Hi, I’m Lynn
My goal is to make you happy by creating photographs that will be cherished by everyone for everyone.
“It’s not what you say it’s how you make them feel.”
– PT. Barnum

10 years ago when I asked a friend and colleague to help me with my bio, these were her words…
“Her passion for her craft is reflected in her candid expressive style.”
I pride myself in building special relationships with my clients and friends, in fact many of my best and closest friends I have met through the industry or from photographing their wedding or something that has allowed us to bond. My goal is to be authentic with you so you feel comfortable and able to be yourself and together we can find the perfect mix for your session.
Photography was a dream of mine since childhood, although I never thought it would be my career. How lucky am I to have stumbled (at first) into the idea and then into the right people who guided me into it.
Through hard work and endless hours behind the camera (and now in front of the computer) I was able to truly find my passion. I’m at my best here, and my goal is to always get the best from whomever I’m photographing. I officially started my business in 1999 and graduated from the NAIT Photographic Technology program in 2001. Learning with film way back when gave me the technical ability and confidence that enhances everything I do, including shifting my business into the digital world as the industry changed and expanded.
Through PPOC (Professional Photographers of Canada) and PPOC-AB (Alberta Branch) I have acquired many accreditations and won several awards including achieving my Craftsman of the Photographic Arts and then my Master of the Photographic Arts within 5 years of being in the business. Now I have 2 daughters and I run a successful home based studio located in Edmonton, Alberta.
